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Carson-Newman’s 阿巴拉契亚文化中心 announces fall events lineup

Carson-Newman University’s 阿巴拉契亚文化中心 announces its fall events lineup. 活动是免费向公众开放的. The offerings continue a rich tradition of celebrating the Appalachian region’s culture, 人和人才.

“We are excited to feature a program that honors the history of our region, the achievements of our faculty and alumni, 以及我们在全球社会中的地位,”医生说。. 韦斯利·麦克马斯特是该中心的主任. “From shape note singing to a celebration of the career of the recently retired Dr. 苏珊·奥德尔·安德伍德, the 阿巴拉契亚文化中心 is excited for our fall lineup.”

Exploring the Shapes: A New Harp of Columbia “Mini” Singing School with Mandy Askins
星期三,9月. 6, 4 p.m.

Shape note singing and singing schools are a distinctly American form of music education and community music making dating back to pre-Revolutionary War days. It is also a living tradition still being practiced in the East Tennessee mountains today. The event offers an immersive learning opportunity that delves into the history of shape note singing in America, 早期美国曲调, 歌唱流派和歌唱形态.

Dr. 苏珊·奥德尔·安德伍德

星期五,9月. 22, 4 p.m.

An afternoon celebrating the work and career of Dr. 苏珊·奥德尔·安德伍德. 一篇读书会将介绍. Underwood and several of her past students. 访问ing readers will include alumni Kelsey Solomon, 加布里埃尔·里德, 凯特的理发师, 大卫·奥斯丁, Kayla Beth Moore和Ah-reum Han.

星期三,10月. 18, 4 p.m.


Born in New York City, 格雷斯威伦茨 grew up in Greenwich Village. 哈佛大学的毕业生, with postgraduate degrees from Oxford University and University College Dublin, she has published poems in such literary publications as “The American Poetry Journal,”“计算程序,”“《全球网赌十大网站》,” “The Irish Times” and “The Seneca Review.” Her first collection, “The Limit of Light,” was published by The Gallery Press. 她还出版了一本小册子, “保持距离,” and received a bursary from The Arts Council/An Chomhairle Ealaíon. She has taught creative writing at University College Dublin and now lives in Dublin.

The Henrietta Jenkins Memorial 同学会 Reading

诺克斯维尔人, 唐娜·道尔是一位诗人, 摄影师, and educator whose work has been published in literary and medical journals including “New Millennium Writings,”“现在 & Then: The Appalachian Magazine,” and “Poets Reading the 新闻, Still: The Journal.”  Her poems have been anthologized in “Knoxville Bound,” “Motif 3: Writings 关于 Work” and “Southern Poetry Anthology Volume III: Contemporary Appalachia.” Her awards include the Libba Moore Gray Poetry Prize, the Tennessee Mountain Writers Sue Ellen Hudson Award for Excellence in Writing, 以及Letheon诗歌奖. Doyle served as poet-in-residence at the University of Tennessee Medical Center Preston Medical 图书馆. In addition to her work as an adjunct writing instructor at the Cancer Support Community of East Tennessee, she has taught wellness and reflective writing classes for medical students, 医生, 护士, 医院的牧师, 支持小组.

A Sense of Place in Appalachia: Readings from C-N’s International Community
11月. 15, 4 p.m.

This annual reading from Carson-Newman’s international community highlights the concepts of place, 首页, 和归属感.


A story worth telling: Newly released book recounts Carson-Newman's rich history


卡尔森-纽曼,FBC Mt. 朱丽叶,太. Juliet Christian Academy, partner in new Nashville Education Center initiative


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